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The Attracta Beauty Wo/man Award 
for Excellence to the Beauty world

Attracta Beauty Awards

Lucia van der Post

Eminent Journalist and the Founding Editor

of the Financial Times

How To Spend It magazine.


Lucia received the 1st Attracta Beauty

Wo/man Award on July 4th, 2017

Artwork by Astrid X Vos

Attracta Beauty Awards

Laura Mercier

World-renowned Make-Up Artist and the Creator of Laure Mercier Cosmetics, Skincare, Body & Bath and Fragrance.


Laura received the 3rd Attracta Beauty Wo/man Award on July 4th, 2018

Artwork by Astrid X Vos

Attracta Beauty Awards

Satish Kumar

Former Jian monk and internationally renowned Peace and Environment Activist who has been quietly setting the global agenda for change for the last 50 years.

He has edited the UK's longest standing green magazine Resurgence & Ecologist for over 43 years. Over the decades he has authored several books, presented various documentaries including Earth Pilgrim on the BBC, and has been the guiding influence behind a number of internationally respected ecological and educational ventures including Devon's Schumacher College. His timeless wisdom impacts people of all ages; his love and devotion to nature makes him a man for all seasons. 


Satish was presented the 6th Attracta Beauty Wo/man Award on July 4th, 2019 at The Attracta Beauty Awards Ceremony.

Artwork by Stina Persson

Attracta Beauty Awards

Dr Daniel Sister

World-renowned Cosmetic Doctor, Lecturer and Hormone Specialist.


Dr Sister received the 2nd Attracta Beauty Wo/man Award on July 4th, 2017

Artwork by Astrid X Vos

Attracta Beauty Awards

Kerry Warn

One of the world's stellar international Hair Artists who has created iconic hair styles for leading Hollywood stars and hundreds of magazine covers all over the world.

This is the man who Nicole Kidman calls "the best hairdresser in the world."


Kerry received the 4th Attracta Beauty Wo/man Award on July 4th, 2018

Artwork by Astrid X Vos

Attracta Beauty Awards

Jan de Villeneuve

World-renowned Supermodel who started modelling in the Sixties and grew up in the United States. Jan has worked with all the legendary photographers; David Bailey, Norman Parkinson, Helmut Newton, Mario Testino and Steven Meisel gracing many of the covers of international magazines. Through all the seasons of her life, she has been a woman of immense style, inspiration and timeless beauty. 


Jan was presented the 5th Attracta Beauty Wo/man Award on July 4th, 2019 by Lucy Pavia from the Evening Standard's, Insider and Attracta Courtney, the Founder of The Attracta Beauty Awards.

Artwork by Stina Persson

© All Rights Reserved The Attracta Beauty Awards 2025

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